
普世欢腾钢琴谱-Faith Hill

2022-09-30 0

来自密西西比州Star小镇的Faith Hill三岁开始在教堂演唱,从小便对歌唱表演充满热情,Faith Hill成长的过程中深受福音和乡村音乐影响,拥有一副媲美黑人的灵魂唱腔的Faith Hill,13岁学习吉他,之后进入Hinds Junior College就读,以丰富的表演经验成为学校风云人物,接著她独立来到纳许维尔,追寻儿时歌唱梦,从卖t-shirt、进入唱片相关行业转而表演,受到名经纪人盖瑞莫利斯赏识,开启她的巨星扉页。

Joy To The World英文歌词:

Joy to the world The Lord has come Let earth receive her King Let every heart prepare Him room And heaven and nature sing And heaven and nature sing And heaven and heaven and nature sing Joy to the world the Savior reigns Let men their songs employ While fields and rocks, hills and plains Repeat the sounding joy Repeat the sounding joy Repeat, repeat the sounding joy He rules the world with truth and grace And makes the nations prove The glories of His righteousness And wonders of His love And wonders of His love And wonders, And wonders, of His love His love His love The glories of His righteousness And wonders of His love

Joy To The World中文歌词:

普世欢腾!救主下降, 大地接她君工; 惟愿众心预备地方, 诸天万物歌唱, 诸天万物歌唱, 诸天,诸天万物歌唱。 普世欢腾!主治万方, 民众首当歌唱; 沃野、洪涛、山石、平原, 响应歌声嘹亮, 响应歌声嘹亮, 响应,响应歌声嘹亮。 主藉真理恩治万方, 要使万邦证明; 上主公义无限荣光, 主爱奇妙莫名, 主爱奇妙莫名, 主爱,主爱奇妙莫名。

Hill(30) Faith(27) 普世欢腾(5)

