
Stars钢琴谱-Simply Red

2023-08-02 1

是英国最成功的灵歌风格的流行乐队之一Simply Red的歌曲。Simply Red 乐队于 1984 年初在曼彻斯特成立,领袖人物是 Mick Hucknall,正是他的高亢嗓音使得乐队给人一种真正的灵歌感觉,并最终使乐队同一些仅仅称得上熟练的灵歌乐队区别开来。作为 Simply Red 的主唱, Mick Hucknall 那一头火红的卷发几乎成为了乐队的标志。还在上中学的时候,性格内向的 Mick Hucknall 就已经开始迷恋音乐了,而一头红发总是给他惹麻烦,并成为同学们的笑柄。于是,这个其貌不扬的小伙子暗下决心,一定要用音乐成功地回击那些无聊的偏见。

1991年9月 Simply Red 推出第四张专辑《Star》的时候,贝司手 Tony Bowers 和鼓手 Chris Joyce 都已离开乐队,Shaun Ward(bass)和Gota(drums)加入乐队,新的萨克斯管吹奏者 Ian Kirkham 则成为 Simply Red 的永久成员。《Stars》成为 Simply Red 最出色,同时也是最成功的专辑,专辑中产生了所首热门歌曲 - "Star" , "Something Got Me Started" , "Wonderland" , "Thrill Me" , "For Your Babies" 等,此专辑获得了英国最佳专辑奖,成为英国1991年销量最高的唱片,并在全世界销售出了850万张。



anyone who ever held you

would tell you the way i'm feeling

anyone who ever wanted you

would try to tell you what i feel inside

the only thing i ever wanted

was the feeling that you ain't faking

the only one you ever thought about

wait a minute can't you see that

i wanna fall from the stars

i wanna fall from the stars

i wanna fall from the stars

i wanna fall from the stars

straight into your arms,

and i, i feel ya

i hope you comprehend

i hope you comprehend

i hope you comprehend

i hope you comprehend

for the man who tried to hurt you

he's explaining the way i'm feeling

for all the jealousy i caused you

states the reason why i'm trying to hide

as for all the things you taught me

it sends my future into clearer dimensions

you'll never know how much you hurt me

you'll never know how much you hurt me

stay a minute can't you see that

straight into your arms

straight into your arms

straight into your arms

i, i feel ya

i, i feel ya

i, i feel ya

too many hearts are broken

a lover's promise never came with a maybe

so many words are left unspoken

the silent voices are driving me crazy

after all the pain you caused me

making up could never be your intention

stay can't you see that

Stars(65) Red(49) Simply(2)

