

2022-12-10 0

音乐剧 《猫》中的名唱段。《猫》自从1981年推出之后,曾在全球150个城市、以14种不同的语言上演,观赏过的观众超过五千万人!一提起《猫》,相信马上联想起剧中最脍炙人口的一首歌曲——Memory,它在《猫》剧中一共出现了三次。



Midnight,Not a sound from the pavement 午夜,大地一片死寂   

Has the moon lost her memory 是否月亮也失去了她的记忆 She is smiling alone 她在独自微笑   

In the lamplight 路灯下   

The withered leaves collect at my feet 落叶堆积在我脚下   

And the wind 而风儿   

begins to moan 也开始哀鸣   

Every street lamp seems to beat 每一盏街灯都似乎要发出   A fatalistic warning 一个致命的警告   

Someone mutters and the street lamp sputters 有人低语并伴随着街灯闪烁明灭   

and soon it will be morning 清晨很快就要到来   

Memory 回忆   

All alone in the moonlight 孤零零在月光里    

I can smile at the old days 我能对着往昔微笑   

I was beautiful then 那时我很美   

I remember the time I knew what happiness was 我还记得那些幸福的日子   

Let the memory live again 就让回忆再度降临

安德鲁·莱·韦伯(3) 回忆(Memory)(3)

