
Gloomy Sunday钢琴简谱-Billie Holiday演唱

2022-12-11 0


Gloomy Sunday是匈牙利自学成才的作曲家赖热·谢赖什(Rezs? Seress,1899-1968年)谱写于1933年的一支歌曲,且于1941年Billie Holiday翻唱后大红。

Gloomy Sunday,译作《忧郁的星期天》或者《黑色的星期天》。据说,《忧郁的星期天》是赖热·谢赖什和他的女友分手后在极度悲恸的心情下创作出来。由于歌曲中流露出慑人心魄的绝望神绪,数以百计的人在听了它后结束了自己的生命。这支歌遂被冠以“匈牙利自杀歌”的称号,甚至一度遭到了BBC等国际知名电台的禁播。但是,并没有实质法律文献、期刊和出版物能证实该自杀数字。这首音乐可以说是作者自灵魂深处以音乐方式同死神之间的坦然对白。此首乐曲在理解上的不同,是可能造成一些误解的。

这首歌在欧美的流行是通过Damia在1936年演唱的那个法文版(《Sombre Dimanche》)而走红的,所以这个版本非常有名。后来传到美国后,1941年黑人女歌手Billie Holiday翻唱了这首歌,从此更加流行更加走红,这就是一直流行到的英文版《Gloomy Sunday》(黑色星期天)。

歌词下方是Gloomy Sunday钢琴谱,希望大家喜欢。

Gloomy Sunday歌词:

Sunday is gloomy, my hours are slumberless

Dearest, the shadows I live with are numberless

Little white flowers will never awaken you

Not where the black coach of sorrow has taken you

Angels have no thoughts of ever returning you

Wouldn't they be angry if I thought of joining you?

Gloomy Sunday

Gloomy is Sunday, with shadows I spend it all

My heart and I have decided to end it all

Soon there'll be candles and prayers that are said I know

But let them not weep, let them know that I'm glad to go

Death is no dream, for in death I'm caressin' you

With the last breath of my soul, I'll be blessin' you

Gloomy Sunday

Dreaming, I was only dreaming

I wake and I find you asleep in the deep of my heart here

Darling I hope that my dream never haunted you

My heart is tellin' you how much I wanted you

Gloomy Sunday

Billie(90) Holiday(12) Sunday(9) Gloomy(3)

