
Shattered钢琴简谱-Trading Yesterday演唱

2022-12-11 0

是来自美国阿肯色洲的另类摇滚乐队Trading Yesterday的歌曲。Trading Yesterday,由Evanescence前键盘手、格莱美获奖者David Hodges所组建,成员还包括Bass(贝斯):Steven McMorran和Drums(鼓手):Mark Colbert 。他们的音乐在充满激情的同时,又有一种顺滑飘逸的质感,主唱的声音张施有度,非常有穿透力,让人脑海里难免闪过Evanescence的身影。The Beauty And The Tragedy是乐队的第一张正式专辑,现在市面上MS已经断货很久了,畅销程度可见一斑,现在只能在网上预订,至于什么时候才会再被摆上柜台,那就不得而知了。开场曲One Day曾经被收录在电影《Stealth/绝密飞行》的原声当中,清新的吉他,强劲的鼓点,让人舒服得上瘾的男声,一首绝对抢耳的作品。


Yesterday I died, tomorrow's bleeding,

Fall into your sunlight.

The future's open wide beyond believing,

To know why hope dies.

Losing what was found, a world so hollow,

Suspended in a compromise.

The silence of this sound is soon to follow,

Somehow sundown.

And finding answers is forgetting,

All of the questions we call home,

Passing the graves of the unknown.

Reason clouds my eyes, with splendor fading.

Illusions of the sunlight.

A reflection of a lie will keep me waiting.

With love gone for so long.

And this day's ending is the proof of time killing all the faith I know.

Knowing that faith is all that I hold.

Yesterday I died, tomorrow's bleeding.

Fall into your sunlight.

Yesterday(29) Shattered(3) Trading(1)

