
Lovefool钢琴简谱-The Cardigans演唱

2022-12-11 1

由The Cardigans所唱,被编入电影《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中。后经蔡依林翻唱。

The Cardigans/羊毛衫合唱团,来自瑞典,成立于92年底,与其他乐队不同的是,他们的音乐取材于Pop,拉丁,爵士和摇滚。女主唱Nina Persson嗓音清新甜美,将歌曲演绎得婉转动人,俏皮可爱。那种细巧的小女人情怀,虽然并不是令人非常的受落,但单凭听觉享受,仍然十分悦耳趣致。也许大家对他们并不是很熟悉,但脍炙人口的“Love fool”你们一定还记得吧,这首单曲不仅获得英美点播冠军、英国金榜亚军,还让The Cardigans步入一流乐队行列。



Dear, I fear we're facing a problem 亲爱的,我为我们面临一个问题而感到害怕

You love me no longer, I know 你已不再爱我,我知道

And maybe there is nothing that I can do To make you do 并且也许我也不能做些什么使你爱我

Mama tells me I shouldn't bother 妈妈跟我说我不该如此焦躁

That I ought to stick to another man 我需要找另外一个男的

A man that surely deserves me 一个值得我爱的男人

But I think you do! 但我想你就是那个男人

So I cry, I pray and I beg 于是我哭,我祈祷,祈求着

Love me love me 爱我吧,爱我

Say that you love me 说你爱我

Fool me fool me 骗我吧,骗我

Go on and fool me 继续骗我吧

Love me love me 爱我吧,爱我

Pretend that you love me 假装你还爱我

Leave me leave me 离开我,离开

Just say that you need me 只要说你还需要我

So I cry, I pray and I beg 于是我哭,我祈祷,我祈求着

Love me love me 爱我吧,爱我

Say that you love me 说你爱我

Leave me leave me 离开我,离开

Just say that you need me 只要说你还需要我

I can't care about anything but you... 我除了你什么都放不了心上

Lately I have desperately pondered, 之后我绝望地想过

Spent my nights awake and I wonder 我彻夜地醒着,并在想

What I could have done in another way To make you stay 我用什么方法才可以让你不离开

Reason will not lead to solution 解释也没有用

I will end up lost in confusion 我会在最后迷失在混乱中

I don't care if you really care As long as you don't go 我不会在乎你是否真正关心我,直到你的离开

the(1707) Lovefool(4) Cardigans(3)

