
Brand New Eyes钢琴谱-Bea Miller-奇迹男孩主题曲

2022-09-30 258

Brand New Eyes是2017年斯蒂芬•卓博斯基执导美国电影奇迹男孩的主题曲。该片根据R.J. 帕拉西奥的小说改编,讲述了一位有面部缺陷的小男孩如何进入普通学校,并重拾自信、积极面对生活的励志故事。

且此曲由Bea Miller演唱。Bea Miller 1999年2月7日,美国歌手、演员。最为人熟知的身份是X音素(美国版)第二季十六强选手,属Teens(少年组)组别,导师为Britney Spears。嗓音清澈、沙哑,歌声情感真挚,台风自然纯粹,独具特色。

When I'm looking at myself

I see a thousand perspectives of me

Everyone is letting me show

A side of myself I can't see

I'm wide awake now I'm free of the dawn

Don't wanna look down

And if I fall out I lay on the ground

And look to the clouds

It's like I got brand new eyes

And I can finally see

What has always been

Right there in front of me

And with these brand new eyes

I'll take in everything

And I will finally see me

I can finally see

I can finally see

I can finally see

I can finally see

Couldn't let the world decide

All of the things that I can or can't do

What if I had taken all the things

That broke me and made them my truth

I'm wide awake now I'm free of the dawn

Don't wanna look down

And if I fall out I lay on the ground

And look to the clouds

It's like I got brand new eyes

And I can finally see

What has always been

Right there in front of me

And with these brand new eyes

I'll take in everything

And I will finally see me

I can finally see

I can finally see

I can finally see

I can finally see

Oh oh oh

Oh oh oh

