
Crush钢琴谱-David archuleta 大卫·阿楚雷塔

2022-10-08 0

Crush为08美国偶像亚军David archuleta(或大卫·阿楚雷塔)第一支单曲。

《美国偶像》(American Idol )的原型是英国电视节目《流行偶像》(Pop Idol)。01年英国电视台推出选秀鼻祖节目《流行偶像》,首届落幕便挖掘出了三名歌坛优质偶像:威尔-扬(Will Young)、葛瑞-盖斯(Gareth Gates)和达拉斯(Darius),一时间偶像旋风席卷全球。FOX广播公司慧眼识珠,以7000多万美元买下节目版权并加以适当改编,从02年起每年主办一届,目的是发掘新一代的美国歌手,获得当季冠军的选手即为当年度的美国偶像,获得一纸价值百万美元的唱片合约。

大卫-阿楚雷塔(David James Archuleta)出生在美国佛罗里达的迈阿密,是著名选秀节目《美国偶像》第7季的亚军,90后的年轻选手。在决赛中惜败给大卫-库克,但他的艺术表现力却深深的打动着观众,赛后拥有很多粉丝的他加入了Jive唱片公司,并出版了自己的专辑。


2008年8月,大卫·阿楚雷塔发行了自己的第一支单曲-- Crush 。歌词下面是Crush钢琴谱。


I hang up the phone tonight今晚我挂掉电话

Something happened for the first time事情就这样第一次发生

Deep inside在内心深处

It was a rush, what a rush这是一种冲动,一种美好的冲动

'Cause the possibility因为有可能

That you would ever feel the same way about me你会对我有同样的感觉

It's just too much, just too much是很有可能,是很有可能

Why do I keep running from the truth为什么我要逃避事实

All I ever think about is you我所想的只有你

You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized你使我着迷,如此入迷

And I just got to know而我也是刚刚才知道

Do you ever think你是否想过

When you're all alone当你孤独一人

All that we can be我们所能做的

Where this thing can go就是任凭这冲动驱使

Am I crazy or falling in love我是疯了还是堕入爱河

Is it really just another crush这是不是真的只是另一次冲动

Do you catch a breath你是否能呼吸

When I look at you当我望着你时

Are you holding back你是否在抑制自己

Like the way I do就像我所做的那样

'Cause I'm trying, trying to walk away因为我尝试,尝试着走开

But I know this crush ain't going away, going away但我知道这冲动不会消失,消失

Has it ever cross you mind这冲动是否出现在你脑海

When were hanging, spending time girl但我们牵手,共度时光,女孩

Are we just friends我们是否只是朋友

Is there more, is there more还是更亲密, 还是更亲密

See it's a chance we've gotta take要知道我们要冒这一次险

'Cause I believe that we can make this into因为我相信我们能使我们的关系

Something that will last, last forever, forever长久保持,天长地久,天长地久

Do you ever think你是否想过

When you're all alone当你孤独一人

All that we can be我们所能做的

Where this thing can go就是任凭这冲动驱使

Am I crazy or falling in love我是疯了还是堕入爱河

Is it really just another crush这是不是真的只是另一次冲动

Do you catch a breath你是否能呼吸

When I look at you当我望着你时

Are you holding back你是否在抑制自己

Like the way I do就像我所做的那样

'Cause I'm trying, trying to walk away因为我尝试,尝试着走开

But I know this crush ain't going away, going away我知道这冲动不会消失,消失

Why do I keep running from the truth为什么我要逃避事实

All I ever think about is you我所想的只有你

You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized你使我着迷,如此入迷

And I just got to know而我也是刚刚才知道

Do you ever think你是否想过

When you're all alone当你孤独一人

All that we can be我们所能做的

Where this thing can go就是任凭这冲动驱使

Am I crazy or falling in love我是疯了还是堕入爱河

Is it really just another crush这是不是真的只是另一次冲动

Do you catch a breath你是否能呼吸

When I look at you当我望着你时

Are you holding back你是否在抑制自己

Like the way I do就像我所做的那样

'Cause I'm trying, trying to walk away因为我尝试,尝试着走开

But I know this crush aint going away, going away我知道这冲动不会消失,消失

David(68) Crush(16) 大卫·阿楚雷塔(1) archuleta(1)

