
Wonderful Tonight钢琴谱-EricClapton

2022-09-30 1695


It's late in the evening.(夜色渐浓)

She's wondering what clothes to wear.(她还在为如何装扮犹豫不决)

She puts on her make up,(选好衣服穿上,薄施粉黛)

and brushes her long blonde hair.(并盘好了那一头漂亮的金发)

And then she asks me:"Do I look allright?"(然后她问我,"这样打扮得合适吗?")

And I say:"Yes, you look wonderful tonight."(我答到:"是的,你今晚看起来很迷人")

We go to a party,(我们去参加一个晚会)

and everyone turns to see.(惹得众人频频侧目)

This beautiful lady(这位美丽的淑女)

is walking around with me.(与我结伴款款而行)

And then she asks me:"Do you feel allright?"(这时她问我:"你感觉还好吧?")

And I say:"Yes, I feel wonderful tonight."(我回答:"是的,我今晚感觉很不错")

I feel wonderful because I see the love light in your eyes. (我感觉不错是因为我看到在你眼中燃烧着的爱意)

And the wonder of it all(而且我还在想)

is that you just don't realize(你可能并不知道)

how much I love you....(我到底有多爱你)

It's time to go home now.(该回家的时候)

And I've got an aching head.我觉到有点头痛)

So I give her the car keys,(因此我给她车钥匙)

and she helps me to bed(.她送我回家并扶我上床)

And then I tell her,(我告诉她)

as I turn off the light(当我把灯关掉的时候)

I said:"My darling, you were wonderful tonight"(我说:"亲爱的,你今晚很迷人)

"Oh my darling, you were wonderful tonight."(哦,我亲爱的,你今晚真的很迷人)

