I know you don't get chance to take a break this often
I know your life is speeding and it isn't stopping
Here take my shirt and just go ahead and wipe up all the
Sweat! Sweat! Sweat!
Lose yourself to dance
Lose yourself to dance
Lose yourself to dance
Lose yourself to dance
Lose yourself to dance
Lose yourself to dance
Lose yourself to dance
Lose yourself to dance
Lose yourself to dance
I know you don't get chance to take a break this often
I know your life is speeding and it isn't stopping
Here take my shirt and just go ahead and wipe up all the
Sweat! Sweat! Sweat!
Lose yourself to dance
Lose yourself to dance
Lose yourself to dance
Lose yourself to dance
Lose yourself to dance
Lose yourself to dance
Lose yourself to dance
Lose yourself to dance
Lose yourself to dance
Everybody's dancing on the floor
Getting ready for more
Everybody on the floor
Yeah, come on (lose yourself to dance)
Everybody's dancing on the floor
Getting ready for more
Everybody on the floor
Yeah, come on (lose yourself to dance)
Everybody dancing on the floor
Getting ready for more (lose yourself to dance)
Everybody on the floor
Yeah, come on (lose yourself to dance)
Lose yourself to dance
Lose yourself to dance
Lose yourself to dance
Lose yourself to dance
I know you don't get chance to take a break this often
I know your life is speeding and it isn't stopping
Here take my shirt and just go ahead and wipe up all the
Sweat! Sweat! Sweat!
Lose yourself to dance
Lose yourself to dance
Lose yourself to dance
Lose yourself to dance
Lose yourself to dance
Everybody dancing on the floor
Getting ready for more (lose yourself to dance)
Everybody on the floor
Yeah, come on (lose yourself to dance)
Everybody dancing on the floor
Getting ready for more (lose yourself to dance)
Everybody on the floor
Yeah, come on (lose yourself to dance)
Lose yourself to dance
Lose yourself to dance
Lose yourself to dance
Lose yourself to dance
Lose yourself to dance
Lose yourself to dance
Lose yourself to dance
Lose yourself to dance
天路钢琴谱 韩红-声音如天籁,百听不厌!
风吹麦浪钢琴谱- 李健|是否有风吹过你的麦田
你看你看月亮的脸钢琴谱 孟庭苇-月亮的脸在偷偷的改变
梦中的额吉钢琴谱 乌达木-草原天籁之音歌声直指灵魂
菠萝菠萝蜜钢琴谱 谢娜-马兰坡坡姐的成名曲
夜的钢琴曲5钢琴谱 你见,或者不见我,我就在那里,不悲不喜
逆光钢琴谱 孙燕姿:不想太多,只努力唱着向前
twinkle twinkle little star - 钢琴谱-爸比,你会唱小星星吗
Suspirium钢琴谱-Thom Yorke
Pink White钢琴谱-Frank Ocean
Benedictus钢琴谱-Karl Jenkins
Everything Stays钢琴谱-Rebecca Sugar
Green Hill Zone钢琴谱-中村正人
I Like You So Much Youll Know It钢琴谱-Ysabelle Cuevas
Eyes On Me钢琴谱-植松伸夫 王菲
Lavenders Blue钢琴谱-民谣