《I'm Just Your Problem》是Olivia Olson演唱的动画《探险活宝》中的一首插曲。《I'm Just Your Problem》是著名的作曲人、导演Rebecca Sugar制作,著名歌手Olivia Olson演唱的《探险活宝》中的一首插曲。
《探险活宝》(Adventre Time,英文原始标题为Adventure Time with Finn and Jake)是一部美国电视动画,动画描述了两个好朋友—人类小男孩Finn(阿宝)和拥有魔力的狗Jake(老皮)在Land of Ooo的冒险旅程。
Marceline: la da da da da
I'm gonna burry you in the ground
La da da da da
I'm gonna burry you with my sound
I'm gonna, drink the red
From your pretty pink face,
I'm gonna-
Princess bubblegum: marceline, that's to distasteful
Marceline: oh... you don't like that? OR DO YOU JUST NOT LIKE ME!
Sorry I don't treat you like a goddes,
Is that what you want me to do?
Sorry I don't treat you like your perfect,
Like all you little loyal subjects do.
Sorry I'm not made of shugar,
Am I not sweet enough for you?
Is that why you always avoid me?
I must be such an inconveince to you!
Well, I'm just your problem!
I'm just your problem,
It's like I'm not,
Even a person,
Am I?
I'm just your problem, well
I-i-i shouldent have to justify what I do
I-i-i shouldent have to prove anything to you.
I'm sorry that I exsist
I forget your getting me on your black list but
I-i-i shouldent have to be the one who makes up with you, so
Why do I want to
Why do I want to-
To burry you in the ground,
And drink the blood from your...
一路上有你钢琴谱 张学友 苦一点也愿意
一介书生钢琴谱 叶洛洛 用一字一句的提笔换一生一世来铭记
朋友钢琴谱-周华健|朋友 一生一起走 那些日子 不再有
还是觉得你最好钢琴谱 张学友-每个故事里都有一首张学友
剑心钢琴谱 张杰 琴心剑魄今何在
爱情钢琴谱 莫文蔚-有一个简单的问题 什么是爱情
老人与海钢琴谱 海鸣威|熟悉的旋律响起 勾起心中无限感慨
小酒窝钢琴谱 林俊杰--小酒窝长睫毛,是你最美的记号
Surfboard Boogie钢琴谱-Martha Mier
Because He Lives钢琴谱-Bill Gloria Gaither
Bad Apple钢琴谱-ZUN
Pied Piper钢琴谱-防弹少年团 BTS
Suspirium钢琴谱-Thom Yorke
Pink White钢琴谱-Frank Ocean
Benedictus钢琴谱-Karl Jenkins
Everything Stays钢琴谱-Rebecca Sugar