
Bella Notte钢琴谱-George Givot

2022-10-28 0

《》是美国迪士尼公司出品的第15部动画电影《小姐与流氓》(Lady and the Tramp)的主题曲,由George Givot演唱。

《小姐与流氓》讲述了一只富裕家庭所养的美国可卡犬:小姐 (Lady),与一只名叫流浪汉 (Tramp)的流浪狗的故事,当两只狗相遇时,他们展开许多浪漫的冒险并坠入爱河,该片最终于1955年6月22日于美国上映,票房大获成功。它是第一部采用宽银幕电影镜头拍摄的动画电影。[2]也是迪士尼第一部由旗下电影部门发行的动画电影。最初该片受到影评人的褒贬不一的评价,但现代对这部电影的评价总体上为正面的,被视为迪士尼最好的动画电影之一。续集《小姐与流浪汉2:狗儿逃家记》由华特迪士尼家庭娱乐于2001年以录像带首映形式上映。动画电影以及2019年改编的真人/CGI动画重制版,则于2019年11月12日在迪士尼+上线。

歌词下方是Bella Notte钢琴谱,大家可以免费下载学习。

Bella Notte歌词:

Oh this is the night

It's a beautiful night

And we call it Bella Notte

Look at the skies

They have stars in their eyes

On this lovely Bella Notte

Side by side

With your loved one

You'll find enchantment here

The night will weave its magic spell

When the one you love is near

Oh this is the night

And the heavens are right

On this lovely Bella Notte

This is the night

It's a beautiful night

And we call it Bella Notte

Look at the skies

They have stars in their eyes

On this lovely Bella Notte

Side by side

With you're loved one

You'll find enchantment here

The night will weave its magic spell

When the one you love is near

Oh this is the night

And the heavens are right

On this lovely Bella Notte

George(41) Bella(8) Givot(2) Notte(2)

