
Easy on Me钢琴简谱-Adele演唱

2022-12-12 7

英国流行乐女歌手Adele携第四张专辑《30》强势回归,10月15日发行首单《Easy on Me》已打破多项记录,登顶多国。新歌MV是Hello的延续,是Adele的释然!

作为整张专辑的序曲,《Easy on Me》大有返璞归真之意。 整首歌只用了钢琴作为伴奏,初听有梦回首专《19》的质朴之感。但已经经历过世事跌宕的人,再次找回平静后的心境,自然不再是年少时不谙世事、理想主义的天真。而是「知道生活真相后,依然热爱生活」的成熟,是「看山还是山,看水还是水」的通透。

不同于曾经的置身事内,如今的Adele更像是旁观者。那些年对爱的期待、迷失、愤怒、心碎与放下,现在都不过是过眼云烟。但正因有了这些经历,让此刻的她变得更加清醒、平静。 所以,她勇敢地离开了过往的纠葛,重新奔向了新的自己,开始追逐还未实现的梦想。

Easy on Me歌词:

There ain't no gold

In this river

That I've been washing my hands in forever

I know there is hope

In these waters

But I can't bring myself to swim

When I am drowning

In this silence baby let me in

Go easy on me baby

I was still a child

Didn't get the chance to

Feel the world around me

I had no time to choose

What I chose to do

So go easy on me

There ain't no room

For things to change

When we are both so deeply

Stuck in our ways

You can't deny how hard I have tried

I changed who I was

To put you both first

But now I give up

Go easy on me baby

I was still a child

Didn't get the chance to

Feel the world around me

Had no time to choose

What I chose to do

So go easy on me

I had good intentions

And the highest hopes

But I know right now

It probably doesn't even show

Go easy on me baby

I was still a child

I didn't get the chance to

Feel the world around me

I had no time to choose

What I chose to do

So go easy on me

Me(686) ON(264) Adele(100) Easy(33)

