
Sleigh Ride钢琴简谱-The Ronettes演唱

2022-12-12 0

Sleigh Ride是美国女子组合The Ronettes的一首翻唱歌曲。最初,由美国作曲家Leroy Anderson创作。同时,此曲也曾是传记剧情片《乔伊的奋斗》的插曲。《乔伊的奋斗》的故事改编自真人真事,讲述了家庭主妇乔伊•曼加诺凭借发明的魔术拖把而白手起家的故事。影片于2015年12月25日在美国上映。

同时,网站还为大家提供了另一首圣诞歌曲《Sleigh Ride》曲谱下载

Sleigh Ride歌词:

Just hear those sleigh bells jingle-ing

Ring ting tingle-ing too

Come on it's lovely weather

For a sleigh ride together with you

Outside the snow is falling

And friends are calling Yoo Hoo

Come on it's lovely weather

For a sleigh ride together with you

Our cheeks are nice and rosy

And comfy cozy are we

We're snuggled up together like two

Birds of a feather would be

Let's take the road before us

And sing a chorus or two

Come on it's lovely weather

For a sleigh ride together with you

Our cheeks are nice and rosy

And comfy cozy are we

We're snuggled up together like two

Birds of a feather would be

Let's take the road before us

And sing a chorus or two

Come on it's lovely weather

For a sleigh ride together with you

the(1707) Ride(14) Sleigh(2) Ronettes(2)

